Sunday, 2 March 2025

On the workbench

 I’m currently working on civilians and characters for this game -

It is a fascinating set of rules with many interesting ideas. The blurb mentioned it was suitable for games set in any pre modern setting from Babylon to Bruges. The word “Bruges” was enough for me and set me off imagining urban adventures in the late 15th/early 16th century. Another great encouragement was the availability at the time of Ratnik figures of children on hobby horses, street sellers , exotic merchants etc. These were purchased and got “lost” in the shed. I’ve tried on and off to find them but to no avail.
Anyway a chance encounter with a bag whilst preparing the cardboard recycling recently ended up in finding the civilians! I was delighted to see them again. 
So along with more recent purchases ( Bruegel bee keepers, dancing bear, puppeteers etc) I have been working on these. The armed night watch and other armed figures were done a while ago and completed. Now , along with animals, baskets etc , I feel I am getting there. The rule have quirky aspects like your gang can have geese which act as watchmen, if you know what l mean. Also there can be distracting figures, be they a local beauty, jester performance or puppeteers, which grab the attention of your opponents and distract them from their tasks. Civilians can remain neutral or get involved. Lots of gaming potential which I have not done justice to.
Finally a big thank you to DB who passed onto me a sprue of German paratroopers. These new recruits are on the workbench too and waiting to take part in my ongoing Bolt Action games.


  1. It's curious how things disappear and reappear in the lead foothills like a strange conjuring trick. I look forward to the finished figures being displayed in a game report. Don't let the paratroopers distract your focus from jesters and hobby horses even if the rules encourage such ploys.

  2. A welcome refinding. Charming but strange figures …

  3. I LOVE Song of Shadows and Dust. I think it is my favourite iteration of the Song of... series of games from Ganesha Games. I'm excited to see what you do with this!!

  4. I have a suspicion that the inside of that shed is bigger than the outside... I've bought the PDF of SSD but haven't had the time to read it yet. The 'song of...' series usually has some interesting ideas. I know what you mean about Bruges, on my list oif places to visit again.

  5. So excited to see where this goes! The minis might work well with “Guards of Traitor’s Toll” as well, I just heard about it. I’ve never heard of Songs of Shadows and Dust, so I’m happy to learn more about it, thanks!

  6. Glad you could use the Paratroopers!
