Friday, 14 February 2025

Today’s game - Hold the telephone exchange, England 1940


Today’s game was using the above rules and campaign guide extra rules
The table set up ready for the arrival of the Homeguard and German commanders
Note Telephone exchange building beside the telephone box.

Some pictures of the game-

Homeguard sections, bicycle mounted section and mmg hold the Exchange.
They were aided by a Smith gun and further section.
German paratroopers and mountain troops approaching the vicinity of the Exchange.
Homeguard take heavy casualties. Red dice shows the numbers of pins inflicted on the unit.
Order dice deployed, less visually annoying than the big playing cards were.
The Homeguard commander looks on as the Germans move and fire.
Close up of German troops.
The table at the end of the game. Having taken heavy losses the Homeguard commander admitted defeat.
Fun game to umpire and generally chivvy people along.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025


 There is a really nice man who l meet at extended family gatherings like funerals and weddings. He is married to one of my late wife’s cousins. As well as being really nice( it is 06:18 and l can’t think of a better word, apologies) he is also really interesting to talk to . He has written articles and books on the history of football and is full of fascinating facts and anecdotes.

Anyway Sunday saw me tired and at a loose end on my own in the house, so l flicked channels and started watching “ The English Game” on Netflix about the history of football’s earliest days. I was hooked. The football stuff was fascinating and the rest a little less so. Here is a Guardian review-

And the BBC

Probably the visit to the retro football shop in Madrid put me in a receptive mood. I have read quite a bit of cricket related sports history books on and off for years and have a life long interest in Rugby League which l put down to having a lovely uncle who was a keen St Helen’s fan , not to mention watching RL on the telly on Saturday afternoons with my dad and the wonderful Eddie Waring commentary!

So I will carry on watching the aforementioned series and think l shall investigate reading round the subject once my Spanish modern history book is finished.

Sunday, 9 February 2025


 Yesterday began with me buying a book I had seen on Friday. I didn’t buy it there and then as I wanted to go home and read reviews of it, which I duly did. They were very positive indeed so l popped into my local bookstore and purchased-

Unexpected circumstances led to me having to wait for a long period of time in the M&S cafe which allowed me to dive right into the book. Well written, thought provoking and engrossing it is an excellent read. Recommended!
Later in the day I accompanied my middle daughter to Aberdour for her swim-

I was reminded of this -

I provided a warming brew from a flask prior to have a lunch in a lovely wee cafe locally.
My first lot of 17th century figures are done so l tried one of the new boxes for size-
Nice box and the figures aren’t bad either.

Saturday, 8 February 2025


 Sadly both the Prado and Reina Sophia didn’t allow photography. This was enforced in the Prado but not in the latter. Visitors ignored the no photo rule and snapped away . Even Guernica was constantly being photographed and nothing was said. I decided to follow the museum’s wishes and took no photos although I really would have liked to , especially close up of details on the paintings , prints and plans. Anyway here are some l did take in Madrid, they are in no particular order due to blogger problems-

I was really taken by the ceramic street signs.
Inside Hola coffee shop.
Signs, apartments and balconies. I wonder what it is like inside…

Book of photos on rural customs, had some really interesting photos within.
Powerful monument, somewhere in the older part of the city.

Really interesting shop selling retro football tops etc
I loved this photo at the entrance to the aforementioned shop.
Grand buildings down town
Art Deco cinema, beautiful building.
The garden at the centre of Reina Sofia.
A door in Hola cafe, glad top to bottom in stickers.

Community garden near the above coffee shop. My daughter using her phone to guide us places took us off piste and past interesting buildings and areas.
Finally the book huts and the enigma of the leaves not falling from the trees even though they were obviously dead. Probably climate is the reason. All in all a great wee trip.

Friday, 7 February 2025


 Well that’s us back from two nights in Madrid. A wee trip abroad was suggested by middle daughter and l jumped at it. It was my first visit to Spain and the furthest south I have been. I had a fascinating and enjoyable time and will definitely go back.

Really enjoyed looking at the terrain from the plane.

Street maps on pillars were so helpful to get a sense of where we were.
First evening . I loved the dry warmth and sun staying up later. Looking across at the Ministry of Agriculture building.
Beautiful trees in a park near the area in the previous photo.
Could not resist taking a picture of the hand wash. Ha ha ha😀
View from my seventh floor bedroom. Hotel was fine, not too central and I would try to stay more centrally another time.
I was fascinated by these wooden booths all dedicated to selling books, often with large tables of books beside them. The joys of a dry climate. I also noted  that the trees retain many of their leaves and seeds dried rather than shedding them.
Much to take in and think about re Spain and interests to pursue. More photos and thoughts anon. 

Monday, 3 February 2025

Stuff etc

 Enjoyable day yesterday for my firstborn’s birthday-

The other day l noticed Poundland had some good deals on this make of boxes -

The three cost around £8 and just the thing to store the Homeguard chaps in…
Finally been putting my 28mm figures with 20mm buildings on the table. I like the look of smaller scale buildings with bigger scale buildings. Saves table space too.