Sunday, 2 September 2007

A letter to Gallia

Late in the evening, after some observations of the heavenly spheres, Karl Frederick calls his secretary and dictates as follows -

Gentlemen Greetings

I send you fraternal good wishes and trust that this letter finds you in good health. In the past and by various agencies our countries have been in communication. Through circumstances and my agents we have reached no resolution in days past. I wish for this to cease. I wish to open direct and full communications with you personally. I am sending my seal with this letter as a mark of good faith. May this mark a good fortune for both ourselves and all that is true.

Karl Frederick

Duke of Tradgardland

The Duke instructs this to be write, brought to him for the Ducal seal and then directly taken to Gallia by swift boat of passage directly this very night.


  1. Particulars for A.G.:
    1. I missed this one till September 12th. I'm on the E&E blog usually daily.
    2. When is your ship expected to enter the port of Le Havre?
    3. From there a galley may be engaged to take your messenger up the Seine to Versailles and the Prince de Charade, Gallia's Foreign Minister. One day journey.
    4. Your wounded diplomat von Bergman is scheduled to be released from the naval hospital at Le Havre on the 20th.
    5. The frigaate l'Vengeance bound from the Fortress of Louisbourg in the New World is carrying your colonial admistrators diplomatic message to Gallia. The ship expects to arrive at Le Havre on the 20th instant.
    6. The 20th seems to be a day of converging streams of fortune and fate.
    7. Please read Divers News From Gallia at E&E for matters pertaining to thee.
    Votre Serviteur,
