Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Can you help?

Firstly does anyone have unwanted copies of the model railway magazine  AW Nuts which ceased publishing some years ago?
Suggestions sought for hobbit/halfling figures in 18th/19th century clothing.


  1. I remember it well. Unfortunately my set was donated to someone a while ago. There was a web forum, but it ceased operation as well. For similar inspiration you could try the Gnatterbox forums, which often have similar whimsical style layouts (quite a few Emett inspired). You have to register, but it costs nowt.

  2. Can't help with the magazines, but hobbits in the fashion you require are probably best from the Games Workshop LOTR range. Probably more expensive would be some of the Mithril ones or you could try the old Heritage hobbits based on the LOTR cartoon film (which I love), available from Classic Minis in the USA. I hope to do an order for more of the orcs soon.
