Saturday, 21 January 2017


Walking uptown today I met a fellow blogger who I had not seen in ages. I really enjoyed chatting with him about current projects and enthusiasms.
Earlier in the morning I took this photo of the hobby corner in my bedroom-
  Needing work to return it to some semblance of order quickly. Instead of doing this I spent much of the afternoon finishing off painting,basing and movement trays for my Dragon Rampant Scandinavian Late Bronze Age.
Now for opponents - more of the same,Mycenaean sailors/explorers? All thoughts or suggestions welcome! 


  1. The choice between cleaning your work area or painting is an easy one; PAINT!

  2. I have five of those IKEA sets of drawers, only two for hobby stuff. Ideal for it and I would have bought loads more of them if they still made them

    1. I so agree,I wish they had never stopped making them.I am sure there is a market for them still. Perhaps a wargamers crusade to Ikea asking them...

  3. I have found untidiness happens so easily , Tony

  4. Your army looks great. Are these Foundry figures?

  5. Well, The 1600s Swede Olof Rudbeck the Elder had some "interesting" ideas in his book the Atlantica, to say the least. For example, all the legends of antiquity takes place in Sweden and the Baltic sea is the sea on wich heroes like Odysseus sail, not the Medeterranian. Troy is in the bay of Finland and the Pillars of Hercules stand at Ă–resund...

    So why not have a hero of Classic legend leading some Trojan War-era warriors as the oponents?

    1. Very interesting comment and completely new to me. Much to think about...
