Sunday, 19 January 2020

Escorting Friar Tuck to gaol- an Irregular Area Close Wars game

Friar Tuck has been captured and the Sheriff’s Men have to escort him to gaol. They do so by exiting the top end of the gaming board. Robin Hood and his merry men win by stopping this happening. Rules are as for Close Wars with addition of movement and firing are two areas each. The difficult terrain areas are much smaller than the open terrain. Here is near the beginning of the game-

The game proceeded well with wee extra rules such as Robin Hood got a plus one when firing and anyone shooting at Will Scarlet need one less to hit due to his scarlet attire showing up too well in the greenwood. The game was won by the Sheriff’s men who escorted the friar off the board. Will and Robin died, bad archery rolls were very evident and armour helped greatly . It was exciting and fun to play. The Irregular areas worked well and I will try the board out again very soon.


  1. Looks like great fun though a disastrous result for the good guys! I like the idea of the irregular grid.

    1. Draw a grid yourself and give it a go,I would be interested to hear how you get on...

  2. Bravo! Fascinating, brilliantly simple and using wonderful vintage rescued figures.

    This irregular spaces game board simulations etc is almost marketable and certainly worth writing / tarting up for a magazine post.

    You will have to buy or get your daughter to invest in more Vinyl!

    1. Thanks for your positive comments. I wonder if the glossy magazines would be interested in such old school material...

  3. Alan
    Have you thought about 4 interconnecting LP card boards that you can rotate round each other together to create varied combinations of raids terrrain etc - a bit like Henry Hyde's terrain squares combinations or these labyrinth maze squares?

    1. An interesting idea but I can’t see how it would work with the Irregular size and shape of areas. I guess if they all ended at say 1 inch intervals at the edge then they would fit together. I will have a think and try it out. Complicated to image but easier to try out...

  4. Good stuff!

    Almost seems to call for a series of map boards but it should be easy enough to slowly build a collection of boards each good for a variety of scenarios.

  5. Thanks, I will at least make one or two more.
