Friday, 24 July 2020

Basing for garden gaming

The weather continues to be rainy here. In my last garden gaming post I curtailed the game and turned it into brief manoeuvres instead. I was worried that the Mdf bases might get affected by the damp grass. Good suggestions were made including varnishing the bases. I thought about it for some time and came up with an all weather solution- 3mm thick 60mm square or round bases, incidentally the same size as the Mdf ones. As soon as the rain went off I went outside for a field test-

Success, the bases worked well both in terms of look and waterproof nature of them. I will rebase the armies and get ready to enjoy the great outdoors! The acrylic ones are just the ticket.


  1. Hungarians in the clover! Very nice!!

    1. The might of the Austro Hungarian Army on parade soon. Garden Wars opponents for the Swiss.

  2. That's a clever solution and attractive too. That is a splendid flag!

    1. I am looking forward to seeing the army based once the rest of the bases arrive. Flag is a photocopy from years ago. I use it with 54mm and with 28mm figures. The look with 28mm figures is spectacular if a tad overscale.

  3. In my experience mdf+varnish=no problems

  4. Thanks Tim but the die is cast,the acrylic bases have arrived...

  5. Excellent idea.. work wonderfully well.
