Monday, 3 March 2025

Street life

 Figures for Song of Shadows and Dust-

Let the children dance…and joust
Children at play.

Noresmian traders and Magnates.

Let me entertain you, with puppets, hawk and more…

Sunday, 2 March 2025

On the workbench

 I’m currently working on civilians and characters for this game -

It is a fascinating set of rules with many interesting ideas. The blurb mentioned it was suitable for games set in any pre modern setting from Babylon to Bruges. The word “Bruges” was enough for me and set me off imagining urban adventures in the late 15th/early 16th century. Another great encouragement was the availability at the time of Ratnik figures of children on hobby horses, street sellers , exotic merchants etc. These were purchased and got “lost” in the shed. I’ve tried on and off to find them but to no avail.
Anyway a chance encounter with a bag whilst preparing the cardboard recycling recently ended up in finding the civilians! I was delighted to see them again. 
So along with more recent purchases ( Bruegel bee keepers, dancing bear, puppeteers etc) I have been working on these. The armed night watch and other armed figures were done a while ago and completed. Now , along with animals, baskets etc , I feel I am getting there. The rule have quirky aspects like your gang can have geese which act as watchmen, if you know what l mean. Also there can be distracting figures, be they a local beauty, jester performance or puppeteers, which grab the attention of your opponents and distract them from their tasks. Civilians can remain neutral or get involved. Lots of gaming potential which I have not done justice to.
Finally a big thank you to DB who passed onto me a sprue of German paratroopers. These new recruits are on the workbench too and waiting to take part in my ongoing Bolt Action games.

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Bigger Bolt Action etc

 Yesterday we played a Bolt Action game on a bigger table with about the same amount of troops. We wanted to see how a larger area would work as we continue to learn the rules.

German mountain troops use a steam lorry as transport.
German paratroopers at start of game
A view of table from my perspective. It was good to more manoeuvring space.
They enemy cross the bridge on the offensive.
German paratroopers took heavy casualties from enemy fire from across the river.
Having disembarked from the steam lorry the German mountain troops come under sustained fire.

The enemy across the river bank about to ford the river. At that point l surrendered as I had taken a high number of casualties and most of my units were untenable. An enjoyable game.

Earlier in the week in Glasgow l came across this interesting exhibition of art from prisons-

It was in the university building near where l go for my course and l found it most interesting, a lucky chance encounter.

I also noticed these buildings which are now part of the university but were once part of the now demolished hospital l referred to in a previous post-

Monday, 24 February 2025

Model Rail Scotland

 I went to a big model railway show in Glasgow at the weekend. It was held in the SECC. It was really interesting and I realise l go as much for the scenery as the trains. Not sure if that is an unusual perspective or not. Anyway some photos-

A free vintage bus collects folk at George Square, bound for the show.
A big show in a big venue.
I liked the boats and water on this one.
I am a sucker for alpine layouts.
Wonderful grimy layout with lovely corrugated iron church and myriad seagulls.

Alpine scenery at its very best. Most effective water.
Really liked the rocks in this one.
Kato trains from Japan were allowing children to make these for a very reasonable fee.
Really liked the Kato N and 009 stuff.
009 Society with lovely “pizza base” layout.
009 society bringing their modules together. They only do this at shows.
York station built to be viewed at eye level.

Engaging mini layout.
Model of paddle steamer Waverley on Waverley stand.
Further Kato/ Train Trax? Modules. I had a really interesting chat with the man on the stand and heard about how in Japan they cannot keep layouts up and have a system where they are modular or kept in a book sized box on the shelf or have cafes where you can pay to run your train on their layouts. Fascinating.

Lovely waterfall on tree trade stand.
Mr Kato , president of the company. Hands on and easy to talk to.
Liked the two d nature of the terrain and water too.
Nice industrial buildings too.
Terrain on a vast scale , quite overpowering.
Further view of the vast terrain set up. Must have had a lorry…
Charming scene and lovely locomotive.
My favourite trade stand , including the ever tempting Cliff lifts and lots of people, animals and bits n bobs.
Then it was time to board the bus back, a grand day out if ever there was one…