Saturday, 8 February 2025


 Sadly both the Prado and Reina Sophia didn’t allow photography. This was enforced in the Prado but not in the latter. Visitors ignored the no photo rule and snapped away . Even Guernica was constantly being photographed and nothing was said. I decided to follow the museum’s wishes and took no photos although I really would have liked to , especially close up of details on the paintings , prints and plans. Anyway here are some l did take in Madrid, they are in no particular order due to blogger problems-

I was really taken by the ceramic street signs.
Inside Hola coffee shop.
Signs, apartments and balconies. I wonder what it is like inside…

Book of photos on rural customs, had some really interesting photos within.
Powerful monument, somewhere in the older part of the city.

Really interesting shop selling retro football tops etc
I loved this photo at the entrance to the aforementioned shop.
Grand buildings down town
Art Deco cinema, beautiful building.
The garden at the centre of Reina Sofia.
A door in Hola cafe, glad top to bottom in stickers.

Community garden near the above coffee shop. My daughter using her phone to guide us places took us off piste and past interesting buildings and areas.
Finally the book huts and the enigma of the leaves not falling from the trees even though they were obviously dead. Probably climate is the reason. All in all a great wee trip.


  1. The statue is known as the Hug and commemorates political assasination in the 1970s

    1. Thanks for your detective work, most interesting.
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Beautiful! I want to go there even more now. Agree on the street signs.
    I take it the black and white footie shirt isn't an old Grimsby Town top. 😄

    1. Well worth a visit. I fear the shirts weren’t Grimsby Town, sorry to disillusion you .
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. It looks beautiful! I have a Spanish friend who moved to Edinburgh with her boyfriend. A bit of a cultural difference for her.

  4. It was! The weather must have been a shock to your friends!
    Alan Tradgardland
