Friday 26 December 2014

Boxing Day

Morning all from a foggy Tradgardland this Boxing Day,Feast of St Stephen ( as in the song) proto martyr.
House is quietish.Daughter two is off to do a morning shift at work otherwise it is peaceful morning here.
We had a splendid day yesterday with lovely food after Mass and an enjoyable time together.Here are some of my gifts. This year the extended family did Secret Santa.We gave three ideas to Santa and one was to be given by him. I was delighted with the Kelly Kettle I got- something I have fancied for years now.I will try it out in the garden very soon. My daughter's gave me/us a Pointless board game ( I love the telly prog) which we will play hopefully today. Jan chose me a novel which looks an excellent read and gave me some Garrison lead to continue my Vendhyans including a war mammoth. I am a most fortunate chap indeed.


  1. Good show. I like the kelly kettle particularly. Will we be seeing some Vendhyans soon (perhaps use Lion Rampant ?)

  2. That kettle looks like a nice piece of kit.
    Happy feast of St. Stephen to you and yours. (And happy mammoth, too - always a joyous thing to have a mammoth or two).

  3. Glorious! Hope the rest of the season goes as well!

  4. Enjoy your presents, hope you are having a great time


  5. Happy Boxing Day/Feast of Stephen! Yes, the kettle sounds good, and mammoths are always welcome, Have fun with the game and book, too!
    (sounds like a good way to set up a Christmas gift exchange - and get stuff you actually want, eh?) :)
