Saturday 20 April 2024

Roncesvaux again

 We fought a game based upon this battle again yesterday. A lighter armed Basque force took on heavier armed Franks in the Pyrenees. The players swopped sides and the rules were slightly amended to allow the Basques to only throw javelins at short range with a lesser effect. Their performance in the previous games was disproportionate. 

The armies laid out prior to deployment which was done by each side deploying a unit alternately.
Frankish infantry and cavalry deployed partially in wooded terrain.
Frankish staff slingers occupy boggy ground knowing that they would be safe from Basque cavalry charges. They remained here most of the game. The Basques vacillated and didn’t attack them.
A exciting melee between lighter Basque cavalry and Frankish knights.
The situation over at the left flank.
Frankish knights advance towards the enemy…
At that point I got caught up as umpire in it all and forgot to take more photos.  The game was going to be called a draw due to time factors but we played one more turn at that point which resulted in a significant advantage opening up for the Basques, who were declared winners. All in all another enjoyable old school game ( figure wise) with the dbv rules which as ever need a few more tweaks but still serve.

After the game l worked on some non Minifigs Carolingians to oppose the Arab Conquest figures my opponent is currently painting. Should be interesting to see both these skirmish forces on the table. 


  1. Those hills look like they have seen some service!
    An unusual couple of forces rarely seen. I guess the figures have seen some service too.
    Thanks for sharing something different which seems to be something of a theme for this site.

    1. The hills are as old as the hills!
      Glad you found this post enjoyable. I do like the Old School figures, I have to say.
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you !
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. A bit of nostalgia there! I was never taken with the chunky PB etc Minifig figures but my Garrison figures often fought against them and seeing them always give me a nostalgic pleasure.

    1. I like the chunky aesthetic but like the S range one too. Squat Minifigs are nostalgia personified, as I am a wee bit younger, no offence meant.
      Alan Tradgardland

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