Monday 10 June 2024

Eighteenth Century Hex

 Having enjoyed Jon’s games set in the War of the Austrian Succession recently and just getting into this book , not to mention a set of rules sent recently to me from Brian, I thought l would see if my 18th century troops would fit onto my Hex mat and hills-

Success, they fit! So I set up a wee set up on the mat-

A successful experiment and the promise of some interesting solo games ahead…


  1. It works well and should give a good game. Good purchase on the book, I bought it last year and it's a cracking read.

  2. A neat fit. I look forward to reading more about these games. Happy gaming!

  3. So what rules will you use? In all my years of gaming I have yet to use squares or heads with figures except John's remote recent remote games.

  4. That looks really good. What size are your hexes? The rules I sent to Alan are a hex adaption of Neil Thomas' Simplicity in action which I found here:

  5. The figures fit well and the Hex Mat looks very nice.

  6. Looks interesting!
    Impressive paintjob on those tiny miniatures!!

  7. I shall echo Brian's request to know the size of your hexes. THAT looks incredibly inspiring. I foresee a shift from my Honours of War project to something...smaller and "hexy".

