Saturday 1 June 2024

Foraging- a VBCW scenario.

 Yesterday l ran two games for friends of the scenario l made up set in the VBCW . Food was short , foraging necessary and scouts had heard of some highland cattle in a farm nearby. The aim of the game was to get the cattle and drive them off the table. As no transport was available the cattle could not be shot and had to be escorted by one section, acting as drovers, off the army’s base line . The two forces were Scottish Republican and German Duke of Brunswick. The Scots had three sections of riflemen each with a lmg attached. The Germans had one section of estate workers with one barrelled shotguns and old fashioned muskets, one section with smg and lmg and one section rifle and lmg. Rules used were “ Went the day well?” 

Game two the situation at the end of play. The Germans had one herd of cattle being escorted off table as the Scots advanced.
The end of Game 1 . I forgot to remove the detritus of gaming before taking the picture. I think my mind must have been on lunch. Each side controlled a herd but the Scots had taken many casualties so a German victory was called.
The start of Game 1 . As umpire l took charge of moving cattle not under control using scatter dice. 

All in all it was fun for both players and umpires. A discussion arose where l proposed allowing each Section to move their LMG team ( gunner and loader) independently of the section to provide covering fire. Although adding another complication it might replicate infantry tactics better. I hope to give it a trial in the future.


  1. Looked like they were fun games, can't beat that!

  2. A nice scenario, reminiscent of 16th century border raiders. Treating the LMG separately sounds a good idea.

  3. Looks like good games and a great time!
    A benefit with the LMG it's that is portable, and a squad armed with one uses that benefit by dividing the squad into 2 or more firing teams. Usually a rifle-team and a LMG-team. In such cases it's usually the LMG-teams mission to provide firing cover for the rest of the team.

    1. ...and sometimes when a whole platoon are advancing, their LMG's are alocated to a firingbase with the other LMGs (from the same platoon) to provide cover.
