Friday 7 June 2024

Rapid Fire Reloaded again

 Ronnie and I played our second ever game of Rapid Fire Reloaded yesterday. We wanted to try out the paratroop rules. This involved dropping inch square pieces of paper from a height off a ruler-

Here are the paper squares as they landed on the table.
Any that hit a wall on the tabletop or landed on the floor were removed.
I recall doing this many years ago when playing the WRG platoon level infantry rules. 
The paper squares replaced by British paratroopers.
Next turn the German opponents entered the table edge.
The Hertzer is destroyed!
Some photos taken during the game.

An enjoyable and tactically interesting game was had with not that many troops on a smallish table. We are beginning to get to know the rules better and appreciate them. Simple they are but subtle and they give an interesting gaming experience. The figures are Ronnie’s , metal , Britannia and 20mm and I am tempted to get a few figures myself to expand our options. He has British Paratroopers, German infantry and Volksstrum plus allied tanks .I am tempted by some early war opponents for the German infantry , possibly Danes or Home Guard but need to find organisation charts for Rapid Fire Reloaded. As well as this l will continue to collect and paint some Airfix figures up.
We played this game on the 6th and the events of the day were much on our minds as we played , talked and reflected on the anniversary 


  1. Looks like great fun! I'd be very tempted to play with some old Airfix figures.

    1. Do give in to that idea you won’t regret it!
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Looks like e great and suitable game due to the date! Very interesting way to randomize the Landing Zones!

    1. A fun, classic yet modern methodology!
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. I do look forward to seeing how you get on…
    Alan Tradgardland
