Thursday 7 June 2007

mustering musings

Last night I began to muster the Duchy forces. Some Prussian style infantry were repainted in the ducal colours of sky blue and rose. The task has begun at least. I hope to continue over the weekend and will try to get a photo or two here.
I am struggling with ideas of how to do standards. I have limited ability artisically. I know some of you have used Windows paint package - fantastic results may I add ! Any helpful hints very much appreciated.
I was really inspired by the detailed info on units and command personnel posted elsewhere. I think I will try such an approach myself


  1. For the crest I borrowed some images from:
    then went to: and downloaded the 'pallette' file they have (cant remember where on the site it is, but it is there). This is basically a bitmap file with a blank centre and hundreds of colurs round the edge. Copy the images you want to use into the palette then pick the colurs you want and start colouring in.
    Good Luck with them.

  2. Many thanks I will have a go later today!

  3. I created a simple basic black& white pattern and then used differing colors for my different units.

    I will try to email you some of my semi-discarded patterns later. Use them or don't use them, your choice completely.

    -- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein
