Wednesday, 10 July 2013

A different sort of day ...

Plans are a great thing but sometimes they go adrift.Thought I was off to the hosp am for a very quick check-up but ended up unable to pass water at all at it and was there for hours.Have come home with a catheter and an op in 6-8 weeks looming.Have come home and lain prostate (pun intended) reading an Osprey book that the post had delivered and listening the cricket on Radio 4.


  1. Good Lord! What dreadful luck - your summer hols! You poor fellow.

  2. While I've not had your particular problem, I've certainly had more than enough time in hospital this past year and I sympathize greatly.

    Also I've yet to make it to Canada Post with the Giant (I've been under-the-weather myself) but it is still on the agenda . . . I'm just not sure when.

    -- Jeff

    1. Hope your moving forward this week Jeff. We will see the giant as and when...
      Fret not about it please.

  3. Hope you are feeling better soon - take it easy ! , Tony

  4. how unfortunate - hope all goes well and your feeling better soon

    -- Allan

  5. Zounds, you poor chap. We all wish you a speedy recovery. Keep blogging if you are able. The ebay giant went over a fiver before I bid for it I'm afraid :-(

  6. Oh, good heavens! What a wretched turn of events. I wish you a speedy and sound recovery.

  7. Ack! Best wishes and I hope things get sorted out as quickly and as pain-free as possible!

  8. Different indeed! Hope you are as comfortable as possible until the op...

  9. Rotten luck, hope the duchess is looking after you.
