Monday, 8 July 2019

Today’s game

It isn’t even 09:00 but the table is arranged and the forces arrayed. On the menu is American War of  Independence ( sans aircraft ha, ha) using shiny Minifigs and Muskets and Tomahawks. The gamers arrive in under two hours so time for coffee etc.


  1. Looks like a good way to spend a Monday.

  2. Looks like fun! Do let us know how the game plays out, please.

  3. Hi Alan- yes, indeed Minifigs do have a certain charm about them- sure have stood the test of time. Do enjoy your AWI battle and the company of good friends. Cheers. KEV.

  4. Wonderful stuff - hope to see some pics of the game (hint)

  5. Looking good!

    "sans aircraft" - I laughed

  6. Very cool, looking forward to hearing about how the game goes!

  7. Thanks for all the comments. The British took ages to cross the fences and rough terrain. Initially the American rifle fire took its toll of the advancing grenadiers. Eventually American firepower caused the British to retreat. A most enjoyable day’s gaming.
