Tuesday 10 September 2024

Rules etc

 I’ve been reading some rules recently-

I bought the ones on the right years ago and found them interesting. I based up my Renaissance Irish on 60mm bases for them and had some solo games that were full of fun , not to mention period flavour. In a moment of madness l rebased the army in DBR style bases to conform to my regular opponents forces. Needless to say they have not been out of the box since. Memo to self, take a deep breath before rebasing.

The rules on the left are an extension or rather a new set , with similar mechanisms,altogether for fantasy, medieval and ancients. They are interesting rules especially the way they define troops. Well worth getting hold of . The author reminds us rebasing is not necessary to play and any consistent basing will work. Well worth a look be your interests Sassanids or Saurians or everything in between. 

We are about to get back to regular face to face wargaming with my two opponents here hopefully soon. I’ve been looking for a wee divertissement for playing here on my dining room table involving simple rules , small area , minimal forces and maximum fun. I am considering these-

I have the ones on the right but never played them. They read well and l fancy giving them a go , perhaps even solo. I  have watched videos , both reviews and games.I will probably use my VBCW figures. The book on the left l have ordered and l await its arrival with interest. As to troops , we will see, probably fifteenth century or Bronze Age.
Finally l am just not getting into series 2 of “ The Rings of Power” at all. Not entirely sure why but not vibing it. Thoughts? 


  1. The Rings of Power - enjoy the pictures ignore the plot is my approach. Somehow something is missing. If the characters were figures I'd have to paint the names on the bases to follow things better.

    Your Sylvan figures looked fun.

    Of the rules I only have the Irregular Wars at the World's Ends but have yet to play them.

    As for basing, there's some merit in doing everything singly and varying the sabots. It's not the rules that have me facing rebasing but the variety of green paints and flock or no flock on bases that make the look of everything collected over a long period fail to look homogenous.


    1. Good plan re RoP! Thanks re sylvan figures. Give the Irregular Wars a try, you won’t regret it. Basing, hmmm. Individual and sabots is a thought..
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. “playing here on my dining room table involving simple rules , small area, minimal forces and maximum fun” sounds like a plan for many of us! I hope your new rules and games work well (with agnostic basing) and are satisfying.

    1. Thanks. I think for many that is the way to go…
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. Like the Duke of Baylen, I enjoy the RoP as a spectacle but don't pay too much attention to the story as I start saying "that's not what happens in the books" which annoys my wife.
    I'd be very interested to know what you think of the John Lambstead book (on the left) when it arrives - like you I have the one on the right but haven't done any more than read the rules so far.

    1. Good advice re RoP. I annoy my daughter in a similar fashion.
      I will let you know how the rules go.On first glance they seem more complicated but l have yet to dive in.
      Alan Tradgardland

  4. I keep meaning to dig out a set of skirmish rules but never get round to it.
    As for Rings of Power, I watched a bit of the first series but gave it up as a bad job. As you say, I just couldn’t vibe it either.

    1. A wee solo project would work well for you alongside the small scale one…
      Alan Tradgardland

    2. Yeah, I tried but could not get into even the first season/series of RoP.

  5. I alsonhave Irregular Wars but they've never made it to the table... not sure why as they looked promising. Interested in the John Lambshead rules too... skirmish games are definitely a good way to get some of my meagre painting output onto the table.
    Haven't got round to RoP yet but looking forward to it.

    1. I think you and your regular opponent would enjoy Irregular Wars.
      As wee skirmish project might be fun to contemplate…
      Alan Tradgardland

  6. I enjoyed the first series, this one seems a bit disjointed and not as engaging somehow.

    1. Yeah, I know what you mean…
      Alan Tradgardland

  7. The OHSW rules are great fun. It is the one game with miniatures my grown up children will happily play a game with me.

  8. I am pleased that they work well for you…
    Alan Tradgardland

  9. I like the style of Irregular Wars but I can see why they use 15mm - potentially it's a lot of bases. I'm currently sorting out figures to try their Devilry Afoot rules but can't find my old fantasy figures. Which is strange, it's only about 40 years since I used them last...
