Sunday 12 May 2024


 I am battling to bring order to the garden. However the joy of the greening hedge and the plant in the photos below spur me on my way-

In other news l am pleased that Bodkin ( created by Jez, my niece’s husband)  is getting good reviews and proving popular-

In hobby news l have got little actually done, thought a lot about what l would like to do, vacillated, planned, read rules and watched videos regarding them, looked at the lead mountain and put a few figures into Dettol .


  1. Always nice to get out into the garden, have managed the last two weekends and feel all the better for it! Love the pink climber, it looks great, really adds a lovely splash of colour.

  2. A clematis montana, I think. My neighbour has a huge hedge of it in bloom at the moment.

    1. Many thanks for that, I must check it out as it is rather nice!

  3. If it's any consolation, your garden is much tidier than mine! I'm a very lazy gardener so this year has been a battle to reclaim the garden from the nettles and brambles!
