Tuesday 14 May 2024

Old school

 I’m indebted to Rob for casting these for me . They arrived yesterday.

They are Admin Celts. I love their quirky charm and cartoon like appearance. I already had some but needed more to complete a project. Not to everyone’s taste I’m sure but I really like these wild wacky warriors.

Last week I put some of my older Amin celt  figures in Dettol . I had painted them ages ago and covered them in a heavy coat of Army Painter wash. At the time I quite liked the look of dark brooding warriors but now I think I want to go for something brighter.

Finally been getting the celts research, in terms of colours, going with an old school favourite-

Still regularly consulted in in use here.


  1. Happy to oblige - glad you like them.

  2. As much as we strive for accuracy for our miniatures the art of the sculpt is important.

  3. The faces remind me of Celtic carvings.

  4. To be perfectly honest, the faces remind me of cabbage patch dolls!

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