Monday, 6 January 2025

Board game

 Ordered this the other day and it arrived just now. Looks interesting. Does anyone know it?

Saw it on Amazon btw

Tree etc

 I have been particularly taken by our Christmas tree this year. Bought already netted l was taken back initially by its wide nature. However once decorated l was entranced and have enjoyed it particularly in the darkness of early morning . I will miss its soft, pure light-

Yesterday saw us take down the decorations and carefully put them away.
They are full of memories from simple homemade ones made by the girls in their youth to ones from my Grandma’s tree in the 1930s. They tell a story of us that the next generation will take forward.
When l could over the festive season l have taken my 1470 Germans forward. Sitting quietly in the dark with only the hobby light on l have enjoyed seeing them come together. At times I sit in silence at other times l listen to podcasts. On Saturday l sensed the need to put the figures aside for a little breather and do something else briefly, a change being as good as a rest. So yesterday saw me working on Homeguard and Fallscrimjager. The figures are great but have quite a few annoying worm bits to deal with. Anyway l am pleased with the initial results.
In other news , the proprietor of this splendid blog- 
( Sadly Google precludes me from leaving comments there and at sundry other blogs)
has named his new Hessian commander after me-
I am delighted by this and look forward to giving those enemies of the British Crown what for! Thank you E!
P.s do pop by the blog it is full of toy soldier goodness and thoroughly recommended.

Sunday, 5 January 2025


We three kings of Orient are 
Bearing gifts we traverse afar. 
Field and fountain, moor and mountain, 
Following yonder star.

O star of wonder, star of night,
Star with royal beauty bright,
Westward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us to thy perfect Light.

Born a king on Bethlehem's plain, 
Gold I bring to crown Him again, 
King forever, ceasing never 
Over us all to reign. Chorus

Frankincense to offer have I. 
Incense owns a Deity nigh. 
Prayer and praising all men raising, 
Worship Him, God on high. Chorus

Myrrh is mine: Its bitter perfume 
Breaths a life of gathering gloom. 
Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding dying, 
Sealed in the stone-cold tomb. Chorus

Glorious now behold Him arise, 
King and God and Sacrifice. 
Alleluia, alleluia! 
Sounds through the earth and skies. Chorus

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Oh you Cannae shove …

 Here l am ready to brave the ice and cold to go for my first game of the new year-

Walk, bus, car later l arrived. We had decided beforehand on Carthaginians v Romans as the troops hadn’t had an outing for ages. On arrival, post coffee and catch up, I was given the role of Carthage’s general and the scenario was partially based on the battle of Cannae. Scale 28mm. Rules DBM v 3.

My cavalry cross the river by the ford. Loads of Celts massing and my on table persona as Hannibal.
Celts backed up by citizen spearmen. I do like warband under these rules.
Evidence, sadly necessary, that the Romans threw not just ones and twos.
The Celts kept their composure until they hit the line of legionnaires.
Some table dressing beside my Spanish on the wing.

My splendid elephants just before meeting their inglorious end at the hands of light infantry, both in the same turn.  Sadly l forgot to take more pictures as I got caught up in the game. To cut a long story shorter my Celts made inroads into the Legion but died in such quantities that they broke and ran. I 
was unable to stop my cavalry across the river from breaking too. At that point , as the enemy cavalry were increasingly successful on the other flank , I conceded . An enjoyable start to the hobby year. On my return the Wargames. Foundry order was waiting for me. Quick service indeed-

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Come together, right now

 Often our hobby interests wax and wane over time. We become focussed and enthused then go onto to something else. Many of us have interests to in a particular period from childhood. I got a Ladybird book  on Romans, had an enthusiastic father who took me to museums, Hadrians Wall and did so because he was interested and wanted to pass on his interest. He succeeded but less so with warships, the house had quite a few Jane’s Fighting Ships for example.

I have an ongoing interest in the Homeguard. I blame Dad’ s Army at an impressionable age. Recently l bought another book about them.-

New Year’s Eve saw me having a quiet evening at home. I have never been a fan of it. Anyway l noticed in the Radio Times that the 1971 “ Dad's Army “ film was on. I watched it again , probably l watched it many times before, but thoroughly enjoyed. Yes I know about the discussion surrounding the pros and cons of DA as a portrayal of the times and events. Anyway it got me thinking. Recently l through out lots of old papers of mine to make space and spare the children when l am gone. I wasn’t sure what I kept but was pleased to see l had kept the below, ripped from a magazine years ago-
So l got it out for a wee look again…
The stile I made the other day, combined with the Airfix Cottage vignette plus the box of plastic German paratroopers really put me in mind for anther go at 1940 but in 28mm. I have Homeguard in 54mm and 15mm already! I remembered the the Wargames Foundry sale, looked on website and ordered a belated lead Christmas present. Homeguard, a few German paras and period characters were ordered.
Having done this l then discovered this-

Mark’s  splendid matchbox game, hand crafted and full of interesting gaming concepts, based around the Home Guard! More inspirational material, not to mention a reminder of our mutual interest in Homeguard training games.
So 2025/begins unplanned with Home Guard to the fore. My 28mm figures with engage with paratroopers etc using “ Went the Day Well”  plus “ Action” , One Hour Skirmish, Mark’s Matchbox rules  and others. We will see where this goes.
Finally a big thank you to all who created a game in a matchbox. Your creativity is astounding and your efforts outstanding. Terrific work , you have brought pleasure and inspiration with them. As for mine-
It never got beyond the ideas stage really, got too busy focusing on the 15th Century stuff and the season. I’m not too bothered by this , just excited by what you produced yourselves.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Happy New Year

 As new year approaches the forces of West and East  Tradgardland parade for the annual distribution of mulled wine and pies! Huzzah, Huzzah , Huzzah for the Duke!

Happy New Year to you and yours from everyone at The Duchy of Tradgardland! Thank you for your support, ideas, contributions and comments.