Tuesday 25 September 2018

Inspiration comes in many forms 

Two things recently caught my imagination recently and the picture below neatly sums them up-

I accompanied my middle daughter to Cornwall as she began a Masters year of study there. As a boy l went to Torquay on holiday but had never been further west. Although my visit was brief ( photos of the trip are on my phone and l cannot access them currently so you will have to make do with the picture of the bag of leaflets and a book l picked up whist there) l was smitten by the countryside. I feel that at some point l would like to game some actions set in Cornwall,we shall see.

The second inspiration was the local charity shop find ,this book containing Rodney Matthews artwork. As a boy l had the Elric dragon poster taking pride of place in my bedroom and many Lps featuring artwork too. I wonder what wargames figures were produced with a Rodney Matthews vibe to them? Let me know what you think...

Finally l took delivery of a prepainted Napoleonic force to oppose my Swedes when the Portable Napoleonic Wargame is published later this year. I realised that l have neither the skill or energy to tackle Napoleonic figures and so found myself a reasonably priced option. I look forward to seeing them in action soon.


  1. What scale are your Napoleonics, please?

  2. Hi Alan... good luck to your middle daughter as she starts her Masters.There is a lot of talk about Rodney Matthews influence on figures in the Oldhammer world, and without a doubt Minifigs Elves have a strong Elric vibe. The dragons and riders are taken straight from the poster you had, and the cavalry horses are from the People of the Pines picture. Also the tunnel elves are lifted from his pictures. Many of these have recently become available again from Minifigs. Other RM vibe figs were made by Archive (they did a great Moonglum figure taken from the picture of him and Elric facing the shape shifting Oonai). I would have thought the Games workshop Elves are quite similar too.

    1. Thanks for the suggestions and good wishes to Anna.

  3. I have the A.L. Rowse Tudor book - ŵorking class Cornish boy made good - but never met him. He wrote an interesting autobiography / memoir of growing up in Cornwall.
    The book gives you a pretty good background to the big houses, the local revolts, the strategic need for coastal castles ... all good background for next time you visit.

    It must have been a divisive time of Protestant / Catholic and Cornish / English splits and always beware the threat of the Catholic Spanish! It didn't get much better in the Civil War ...

    Hope your daughter settles in well in Cornwall.

    1. Thanks for the good wishes for Anna. I am tempted by the Spanish invading in the 16th century for Pikeman's Lament...

  4. I am sure that Anna will do well, she is very talented.
    Always wanted to visit Cornwall.
    Please show us the Naps figures you've acquired!

    1. Thanks re Anna. A Napoleonic parade will happen soon.

  5. Best wishes to your daughter as she starts her Masters!

    I spent a day in Cornwall (Land's End; Penzance) on a holiday in the UK once some years ago. Nice part of the country.

    I also had some Rod Matthews artwork back in the day. Certainly some of the old Citadel elves were in that vein. Maybe Matthews inspired some of the early GW illustrators and sculptors to some extent.
