Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Repairs completed and a challenge ahead.

 Worked on these figures today. I hammered nails into Mdf bases as supports and bent one as the leg of a running figure. I decided not to add tape to the leg but leave the nail visible to show the repair. They will fight together as a unit along with the two cavalry figures which will be quite a challenge.


  1. Those cavalry will take some repairing ! , I've only attempted one missing leg - good luck !

    1. I am still figuring out a way. Some of the stumps that remain are not hollow and as I have a severe aversion to drilling metal l am slightly puzzled.

    2. I drill metal all the time, been doing it for 50 odd years now.
      (Mind you since some of those no doubt had some lead content, that might explain a few things about me.)

      If you shaped the new leg, perhaps could just glue it on reinforced by some putty around the outside with the edges down the leg and where it joins the body being hidden and supported by some putty? Might be best if the resulting figure were given a base to help strengthen the free end of theleg.

  2. Dorset do spare horse legs.
    Running legs can be done well enough with bent wire or you could try "four stiff standers" of wire or matchstick legs if a standing horse. This wouldn't set those capes aflapping though ... seen here

  3. I'd put putty on that nail leg otherwise he looks like he has an artificial leg. I wouldn't worry about keeping the integrity of the original as it is already broken and not worth much as a collectible.

    1. I like the idea of showing original v new as an experiment.

  4. Good repairs. Great to see these old and cast aside figures loved and ready for action again.
