Friday 17 May 2024


 Yesterday Ronnie and I played our first game of Rapid Fire Reloaded. We had both independently played Rapid Fire back in the day. However I had forgotten the system but RFR is very newbie friendly.

My Brumbar smokes after being destroyed.
The enemy Sherman shares a similar fate after being hit by a panzerscherck.
My troops lose a melee in the woods , take casualties and have run off.
The table quietly waiting at the beginning for troops to arrive.
Paratroopers advance towards a field 

The advance along the line.
My starting position. The photo order has gone haywire!
General German advance and below the paratroopers occupying a field after crossing the wall.
It was an enjoyable introduction to the rules and great fun . We have decided to have another game very soon.
Later on I really enjoyed a game put on by Jon from the War of the Austrian Succession .
Terrible dice throwing by me as the Spanish commander helped the French/Spanish  armies towards defeat. Excellent company and a meticulously managed gaming experience by Jon led to a most enjoyable evening.
A photo of the dice or a bad workman blames his tools!


  1. Two games in one day is special. Happy you could attend the WAS battle. That fight produced a tense battle. Great fun!

    1. It was indeed . I was delighted to attend. Terrific fun indeed!
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Good to see 'RFR' went well and allows a game on a fairly compact table. High time I have it a go too, thanks for the nudge.
    Jon's games are always excellent, and you will hopefully get a chance to redeem your poor dice-rolling in a return match!

    1. Hope to see the result of the nudge soon. RFR gave an exciting game on what is a wee dining room table, unfolded for the occasion . I need to sort my Airfix out for this rather than adding to the lead mountain.
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. It looks like you had sufficient D10s for Jon’s remote game.

  4. Sufficient dice if not so sufficient dice throws!
    Alan Tradgardland

  5. The Britain's walling is as iconic as the Airfix cottage.

  6. Great Battle Report! It' looks like a great scale for a quick skirmish.
