Friday 21 June 2024


 There has been a lot of Ancients chat flying through the ether this week amongst folk I email etc with. It is good to see people enthused by what to me is a fascinating period( or multi periods) to game in. It has led me to reading around it with renewed enthusiasm-

Got this old friend out for a wee read and wallow in nostalgia. It is an undoubted classic.
In 1991 on my first visit to Copenhagen l became enchanted by the Lur Horns on display plus the other Scandanavian Bronze Age artifacts. Subsequent visits to Denmark reinforced this enthusiasm via bog bodies etc. Then circa 1996/97 Foundry made their wonderful figures for the period! The above photo is of a file of information, army lists, letters l compiled about the background to the Late Scandanavian Bronze Age. Looking at it this week I was struck by how helpful people were and how much time, energy and enthusiasm had gone into collecting the material. 
I recently added to the figure collection. Now all I need to do is commit to basing size and rules…
Finally a photo of a business l saw yesterday with splendid shutter artwork-

Oh did I mention l have a Sumer based game in the offing next week, can’t wait!


  1. Will the file get typed up on the computer or do you prefer the original archive? The shutters look good.

  2. Armies and Enemies has seen some hard campaigning!

  3. Your AEIR has seen hard action. Is it time for a replacement? Looking forward to next week’s Sumerian game too.

  4. And it so happens my copy of AEIR ends tomorrow (22nd) on eBay. Not one viewing so I assume people are looking online for information. The shutter is really nice.

  5. Hi Alan

    I have a substantial number of ancient Greeks in 25mm, Spartans, Thebans etc, mostly Minifigs and Garrison which will go on sale in the near future. I could pitch them at a reasonable price just for you.

    Let no know if you are interested.


    1. Tell me more…
      Most interested.
      Alan Tradgardland

    2. I sent an email but am not sure your address was correct.
