Tuesday 17 September 2024

Morecombe 2 etc

 I was impressed with these artworks in Morecombe-

Also there was an amazing bookshop filled to the gunnels-

I returned home from Skipton via Settle and changed at Carlisle. Tremendously scenic route to Carlisle which l thoroughly enjoyed even though it was very wet.
I returned to these books delivered by the postman-

This afternoon I based these fine forty mil fellows- 
Bought ages ago on EBay already painted. I am going for 8 figure companies. Previously I had multi based them but so prefer the toy soldier single round basing vibe.


  1. Replies
    1. It was a great wee break . Catch up with folk and interesting things to see. Win win.
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Some great pictures from a lovely part of the world. Interested in the books, they look very intriguing and the Grenadiers are lovely!

  3. Glad you found the photos interesting. The novels can be obtained relatively cheaply second hand. The Day of the Minotaur is an old favourite from my late teens. I bought this copy because the one I bought then has sentimental value and I don’t like taking it around plus it might fall to pieces. The other one I have yet to read. I do find the grenadiers charming in a toy soldier way…
    Alan Tradgardland
