Sunday, 22 June 2014

In the garden room/shed

Finally set up my first game in the garden room /shed-
I started the Silures/Celts when off ill last autumn and finished them yesterday-
The view from the Roman lines above.

Captured trophies and a druid...
Cavalry clash.The rules are working just fine too.


  1. What a wonderful setting for a wargame table

  2. Impressive layout. Glad the new shed works well.

  3. Pretty nice shed!
    The game looks good, too. I'm sure you probably said before, but where are those Celt figures from? They have a wonderful unpolished look to them, very fitting for the period and for old school gaming, I think.

  4. The Celts are by Admin (sadly out of production) and used to be available through SKT and Garrison. They also produced really quirky fantasy etc too.Check out the Admin Gallery at the Garrison website...

  5. Neat place for a wargames table - and a nice little battle to christen it with
