Friday 27 October 2023


 I have been avoiding eBay recently in order to save money. I however went on recently and got these ww1 figures for the bargain price of £7.50 including postage-

The Germans will serve with the Duke of Brunswick’s contingent in the vbcw and perhaps in a wee “ A War Transformed “ project along with the aforementioned Duke of B’s contingent. 
When I opened the packaging I was most intrigued by the gun, I had no idea what on earth it was. A little searching and I discovered it was a very early German anti tank gun.
Here is some info about it-
So all in all money well spent, some figures full of character purchased and some French to deploy…
Win win in my book!

Here are the Germans with a first coat of paint-

P.S what does one say about England in the Cricket World Cup?


  1. Nice ebay win, cracking collection of figures for a very good price! As for England, I was following the Sri Lanka game at work yesterday on the BBC updates, bit of a shambles all round, a very poor defence from the champions, India on Sunday to make matters worse!!

    1. A bit of a shambles indeed, said he writing after Sunday!
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Some interesting animated characters there to add to the ranks -
    and a new (to me) artillery piece to add to your Forces. It makes being in the cramped confined space of a noisy clanky fume-filled, hot open engined WW1 tank with ‘splash’ of metal fragments each time a shell or bullet hit even less attractive. Tough and Brave Men, those early Tankies. Mark Man Of TIN

    1. I really like the characterful nature of the figures, they are full of charm, if one can be said of Great War troops. The tanks must have been utterly awful to crew.
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. Well bought, as for the cricket - smile and carry on wargaming……

  4. Carry on wargaming indeed, cricket, what cricket?
    Alan Tradgardland
