Thursday 5 October 2023


 Yesterday saw me en route to Glasgow when I received an email saying my course had a new venue. To cut a long story short l got soaked to the skin due to the torrential rain . One good point was seeing this statue-

Read more about it here-
Due to traffic and rain and delays it took me three hours from leaving my classroom to getting home last night. A long journey…
I am currently experiencing a bad flare up of my eczema .
It is an internal barometer of my stress level . I think I am ok and then  “ Bam!” My skin lets me know otherwise. The setting up of a new website ( not by me btw) and resulting tech email problems ( involving me) are dememting  me. You volunteer for something and then it spirals, in stress terms. This coupled with a big greater family event is the cause. Apologies, rant over.


  1. Sorry to hear that. I loath getting wet on the way to something, it really spoils my day.. Techie stuff is always a pain. I'm sure veryone will enjoy the family get togther so try to relax and enjoy it yourself Nothing ever goes perfectly and I always reckon that anyone who is unhappy with the arrangements has just volunteered to organise the next one.

  2. No apologies needed. Take care of yourself and your family as best you can

  3. Something that might cheer you up after your dreich day, type in,’a wake for Bud Neil’ on YouTube, made me smile!

  4. All my wild west games are set in Calton Creek. I've never actually seen the statue in the flesh but my dad was a huge Lobby Dosser fan.
    Funnily enough my eczema always starts to flare up around this time of year... I always know when the weather's starting to turn cooler which I think is the cause (although it'll be 25° down hee at the weekend!!)

  5. Lobby Dosser was a new one to me and certainly looks like I've missed out. However it has brought back fond memories of my times living in Glasgow - no mean city - and its wonderful voices.

  6. Thanks for the post. My parents used to talk about Lobby Doser, Rank Bajin and Fairy Nuff. Now I know what they were talking about.
