Friday 25 October 2024

A week on

 Not too much achieved this week. I have been demented by eczema flaring and the Black Dog has come sniffing about. Nevertheless some progress has been made-

I have started to add planking to ziz up a mdf house bought made and cheap at a recent show. 
These fine fellows came from Col Bill and are already changed by wee but significant conversions in order to become a gang/team/ group for The Last War. 
I have following James Morris and his Midgard rules for ages. His creativity , output and talent is immense especially as l believe he very busy with Real Life . I have therefore preordered the aforementioned rules yesterday. They look beautifully presented and have much play testing behind them. The videos produced on them by the Lardies are well worth watching too.I found a bag of Ragnarok goblins waiting patiently to be used, well as patiently as goblins can manage. It is a mixed bag with some nocturnal goblin chaps in hoods etc.  Not terribly Tolkien but l will use them.
I looked out these armoured ones to have a wee go at, now that thorny question of goblin flesh tones…
So that’s it . Hope to take these forward in the coming days…


  1. James Morris's Blog (and Website) is very aesthetic - please share info on the Rules when they arrive!

  2. Oh no! Looks like you are Taming that Autumn Black Dog by keeping busy. If in doubt, undercoat and base.
    The variety of interesting figures look like they should spark some new small scale games for your tabletop.

  3. The movie versions of Lord of the Rings has them in what I call sickly' flesh shades, kind of greyish brownish, I think
    I tend to follow the Warhammer conventions of shades of green with lighter ones for goblins than for orcs.

  4. Hope your feeling better soon , been looking at those rules with interest as well !

  5. Tolkien says little on the subject but mentions black I think. I have tended to use flesh tones with lots of sharing of grime.
