Monday 7 October 2024


 I am a fan of Vendel Miniatures, now known as Bloody Day, which are available only , these days, from across the Pond. I have a number of their fantasy Middle Earth figures which are hefty and charming. Many moons ago l got some sent across to me but I am wary about the price this would involve now. I am not paying an obscene amount to the Post Office etc , end of story.

Anyway last week l was browsing on EBay and I found there were some Vendel 16th century figures, unpainted, for sale. I was tempted as I have been thinking on and off for ages about getting a wee ( dining room sized army , not too small, not too big, just right) Scottish army to oppose the English 28mm army l was using on Friday. So I sent in an offer and won. These then arrived-

Infantry and cavalry bagged, arrived and enthusiastically opened.
Some painted over the weekend ready for basing.
A couple of good reads from the Ducal Library, well worth a look if you haven’t seen them.
My 16th Century forces each have a different character. The Old Irish with lots of skirmishers, fierce warriors backed up by kern snipers and mail clad, axe armed Gallowglass. The English with bow, shot and  bill . Finally now the Scots with loads of pikes, some artillery in field fortifications, a few highland warriors and some  light cavalry from the Scottish Borders. The Scots will be Pinkie rather than Flodden , 1540s rather than 15teens. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting figures and a good project. Could we see more of the English army please?
