Wednesday, 28 April 2010

New Tradgardland unit...

I decided tonight to use some freebie figures I had got from wargames magazines . They were a tad fiddly to glue together but we got there and no fingers stuck together...
The figures represent some dismounted Tradgardland Dragoons and an accompanying local guide/gamekeeper. They will serve in wooded country against the dreaded grenz light infantry of the Imperium.
I welcome suggestions for uniform colour schemes from you all. Paints out over the May bank holiday I hope!


  1. Good to see you back to painting 18th C. Tradgalanders!

    While I appreciatively remember dashing heavy cavalrymen in black cuirass and Tradgarland pink coats, dragoons are probably les glamorous. What about *yellow* coats? There are historical precedents (in Spain, e.g.), yellow looks good and matches well with almost any facing color.
    Given the role these men are expected to play, green facings (they are mounted jaegers of a kind) and rustic deerskin smallclothes may be appropriate.


  2. They will serve in wooded country against the dreaded grenz light infantry of the Imperium

    Pah, a feeble excuse! They are obviously just poachers being readied to pounce on the Imperial preserve
