Thursday, 28 March 2013

A crossing of the Rubicon

Today we finally finished getting my late mother's flat ready for rental.We handed in the keys to the letting agent and that is the end of our access. A big day filled with memories.
On the way home we stopped at a localish & splendid  garden centre ( New Hopetoun Gardens Garden Centre- near Edinburgh on the road to Linlithgow) to look for a pot for alpines and plants to put in it. This was to be bought from birthday monies still unspent.Here is what I got-
I look forward to planting them over the forthcoming days...


  1. Good luck with the renting, I can imagine that felt a bit strange. Nice collection of plants there, a Pasque flower (pulsatilla) appropriate for this time of year. Might I wish you and yours a very pleasant Easter too?

  2. And to you and your household too...
    Are you off at all?

    1. Working Good Friday, the weekend falls on my weekend off rota anyway (so I miss a free day off Sunday grrr) and off Monday, so not too bad. Still bloomin cold, but no snow thank goodness.

  3. Just the ticket! A bit of planting always lifts the spirit.
