Saturday, 17 September 2016


A busy week in Tradgardland at work and home. At an after-school cpd session the course leader used the word "Journaling" and I continue to wonder what is happening to the English Language.Keeping a journal is fine but why the need for the odd verb?
My middle child was 21 on Holy Cross Day (14/9) and I can't believe it. I went out with the three girls to Byron Burger in Edinburgh for a most yummy meal. Today sees us hosting family for a meal later today -  like the Queen , Anna has an official birthday too and this is it.

On the gaming front I took delivery of a ( add appropriate collective noun for Halflings here- perhaps a sneak or stone's throw ) of medieval halflings from my Westphalia Miniatures Kickstarter. They are exquisite resin figures and I hope to do them justice when painting them.There are loads! Now back to the preparations,have a good Saturday one and all...