Sunday, 2 October 2016

Society for Convivial Anachronism

"Ever since Mr Baggins found the secret rooms off the  back pantry things haven't been the same round the hill. There's been a clunking and a clanking,a coming and a going.Sack after sack dragged out into the light of day. Now Mr Baggins and his friends dress up in the rusty old armour, march here and there and dine together. They call themselves the Society for Convivial Anachronism or SCA for short. Arrows flying everywhere and nasty looking swords lying about.It all seemed highjinks until the day the goblins came..."

My Kickstarter of Halflings arrived and what a lot there are,all beautifully produced mind you.I wondered what to do with them all. Yesterday I compared them to the Vendel (can't recall what they are called now) figures I got last autumn (orcs,elves etc) and they look fine alongside them.

So what I intend to do is raise a forces of hobbits in rusty armour for Dragon Rampant. I have been playing around with this backstory for some time.Let me know what you think...


  1. Personally I think these models, and antics with them, are disrespectful of people of less height, but on the other hand your blogpost are very enjoyable and I look forward to seeing what happens :0)

  2. A hobbit militia sounds perfect.

  3. I look forward to seeing what the Hobbiton Trained Band looks like.

    All the best,


  4. Alan,
    Looking forward to your creation of a Hobbit Band - with great anticipation. Regards. KEV.

  5. Great idea for a war-band. But if your SCA is like the SCA that I know, your halflings will be too full of mead to march.

  6. Hope to see the Hobbit Bounders in action soon!

  7. I like it! Hope to see some of the little guys (and gals?) in action soon!

  8. I've been toying with the idea of a hobbit militia too. Not sure what for (Saga maybe?) but I just like the idea...

  9. It may be a problem accommodating those feet on a normal base?
