Thursday 2 September 2021

Go West...again

 Yesterday saw me in Glasgow again! This time was to accompany a family member who needed eye testing at Gartnavel hospital . This took about one and a half hours. So, being a nice day, l went for a wander. In the hospital grounds l saw a beautiful Maggie’s centre set amidst trees, such a peaceful place. Also within the grounds the ruins of what I took to be an old hospital building. Venturing further I enjoyed the tenements and churches of a leafy suburb. Glasgow is so full of fantastic architecture.


  1. Interesting almost picture book buildings and doors, I hope the Hanging Gardens of Buddleia building finds a new usage. Thanks for sharing your walk!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. I agree re Hanging Gardens, it would be a shame for it to be left thus.

  2. This is what I have always heard about Glasgow. Still hoping to see the city in person one day.

    Best Regards,


    1. I do hope you will and I will come west and meet you for coffee.

  3. I only spent a day in Glasgow on my "grand tour" (aka hitchhiking from hostel to hostel) some 45 years ago so didn't see much but one of my cousins tried to track down the house my grandfather grew up in, only to find the street itself no longer existed!

    I used to think I'd be back one day but life took its turns. Ah well. Thanks for the virtual visits.

  4. It's a lovely city...I'm heading back there in a week or so

  5. That’s a great advert for the city.
