Tuesday 2 July 2024

Toy soldiers

 For me  one of my biggest inspiration is this blog-


It is always full of fun games, interesting armies and all that is best in toy soldiers. Ros achieves an aesthetic on the table top which is visually attractive, nostalgic yet modern as well as simple rules to manage the immersive table top world. This is a blog I visit daily and I urge you to pop over there regularly too.

Ros has inspired me to get out the toys, do some repairs and get a wee game going. But first repairs-

Monday 1 July 2024


 Yesterday saw me catching the 747 airport bus and alighting at South Queensferry. 

One interesting feature was that quite a number of autogiros flew overhead. It must have been some sort of rally. It was lovely to see them ,  an unexpected and unusual sight.
The wee beach area in South Queensferry, at the foot of the steps.
A launch point for daughter number two to go in for a swim , excellent back drop!
Assembled family, partners and a dog that is being dog sat. We had coffee at Dune-
Lunch at -
A train cancellation meant walking to the bus stop at the Forth Road Bridge for transport home . A fortunate arrival of bus and subsequent change meant we were back to see England play.