Sunday 21 July 2024


 Yesterday saw me getting the bus to Cupar for the model railway show there-

There was a market in Cupar and l sampled some great produce from the stall.
Popular model with visitors as it showed Harry Potter and other film sets.
A layout set in Japan, not something I had seen before.
More of the Japanese set layout, some lovely shops.
Small layout , big train , probably O gauge 
I did like the bridge and the water in this one.
009 society stand, small but charming.

Dundee boat modellers ( they were set up on the stage in the hall)  had some beauties on display, large water going vessels.
Charming yacht. The owner took the cover off and showed me ‘1951’ written on it, when it was built. He had restored it.
They are the second oldest club in the world, second only to a London based one.
A close up of the garden on the 009 Society layout.
Interesting sign on pub door. I will investigate the 1559 connection.
Another market stall. Old favourites of ours , Jan and I used to get a bottle every now and then.
So I went for a new friend , the cider , and an old friend the elderberry wine.
All in all a grand day out!


  1. A day well spent that's for sure, some great displays and the rhubarb cider is certainly very interesting indeed!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the pictures. It was a good day out.
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. A Nice review and it seems like you had a great day out.
    It's very therapeutic to browse around and have a look at others well built layouts. There are usually not so many exhibitions in Norway during summer time, so I'm looking forward to the autumn when they usually are arranged again. Actually I'm not into just model trains, but RC Scale Model Boats too.

    1. Thanks , it was. There are quite a few such shows over the summer here in Scotland. Smaill but interesting. Do tell us of your boats…
      Alan Tradgardland

    2. I've briefly mentioned it in my blog;

      But recently I have started to work on it again to try to make it look more like the Norwegian vessels.

      Please keep posting from model railway exhibitions.

  3. Replies
    1. Me too!
      Alan Tradgardland

  4. Looks like a cracking day. Cupar is one of the many towns I have lived in. Lovely little town during the day with a fearsome reputation at night.

  5. You have led me to see Cupar in an entirely different light…
    Alan Tradgardland
