Wednesday 24 July 2024

Palmyranesque- recruiting

 I was out yesterday at friend’s playing a Romans v Celts game. I was a Celtic general with two commands , one of which was entirely consisting of fanatics, Warband Superior. Dbm allows  the warband class to be very powerful and the Romans were defeated partially due to the rules, to flukey dice throwing and a little bit of tactical skill by the generals or perhaps chieftains is more appropriate . A few pictures-

All in all an enjoyable game and day out. On my return a couple of parcels were waiting-
One parcel contained an Etsy buy consisting of camels ( resin) for my baggage train. They are nice, crisp casts ( prints l suppose is more correct) which should paint up well. Also in the picture you can see two carts / chariots that came as part of the other package. Anyone recognise them? The main interest in buying the second package was for the gladiators. Back in the day, my teens l had lots of Minifigs gladiators, Paragon Rules and the obligatory biscuit tin arena, all long since gone.
These lovely old school figures will serve as an element of blades for the Palmyranesque army. I imagine that they represent the local gladiator school being pressed into service in the defence of the city in times of extremis. It was good to see these  old school fellows and recruit them into my current project.


  1. That's a lot of naked warriors. Are their trousers in the wagons?
    The camels look like they will paint up very well and I look forward to seeing them finished and gracing your game table.
    Gladiators like dinosaurs seem to have an almost universal appeal for now apparently rational reason.

  2. The camels are very nice - what is the tent thing on top called? I thought palanquin at first but think that was carried by people...?

  3. The smaller cart is a rather battered Hinchliffe ox cart - the stick sides have been reduced to stumps and the oxen have obviously run off. Don't recognise the other.

  4. Good looking game, the camels look really good indeed and should look great on the table. More old school goodies as well!
