Sunday 14 July 2024

Thursday/Saturday photos

 Thursday saw me hosting a VBCW game. The Swedes had captured the king and were to escort him off the other end of the table in a motorised convoy. They were opposed by the village people ( comprising WRI, Cricket team, Boy Scouts , Gamekeepers etc sections) who were trying to capture the king back or at least stop the Swedes-

Friday was a sunny day so coffee @ Prost then gardening listening to TMS on the wireless-
Saturday saw the return of light rain and dreich weather. I spent most of it on a walking tour of Edinburgh Churches organised by the Archdiocese as part of the forthcoming Edinburgh 900 celebrations.

Fortunate bus connections allowed me to be back in time for most of the Virtual Wargames Club. Interesting as ever with banter, inspiration and photos galore. 
Let me take this opportunity of wishing the England Football team well for tonight, I do hope they can do it!


  1. Both an interesting scenario and interesting playing cards

    1. The scenario was fun to make up. The playing cards are Swiss or Austrian, probably Swiss , bought over there circa 1970. They have interesting monarchs and others from the 18th century depicted on them.
      I would like to buy smaller less intrusive cards for table top use.
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. I have two questions Alan.
    Did the Swedes mange to escape with the King?
    Which faction are the Swedes fighting for?

  3. The village resistance crumbled and the Swedes got away with the king.
    The Swedes are Anglican League allies. Here is a link to my post with background to them-
    Alan Tradgardland

  4. An interesting looking game!
    Alan came upon your Carberry hill posts by accident. Very inspirational they are too. I have dug out my old Outpost Reivers and hopefully some Scots Renaissance games will take place.

    1. Glad they inspired you. I hope you have some great games. Fascinating period.
      Alan Tradgardland

    2. Turns out I have bought a few books on subject over the years. I have touched up my Reivers and bought some suitable cavalry reinforcements. Unfortunately an old school pike and shot regiment bought from Ebay has arrived practically unusable.

  5. You are living the Good Life, Alan. I will see you for a game later this week.

    1. Looking forward to it Jon.
      Alan Tradgardland

  6. Alan, thank you for your kind wishes regarding England at the final. By now of course you will know that we didn't manage to get over the line, but your support is really appreciated!

  7. Next time, hopefully.
    Alan Tradgardland
