Friday, 14 February 2025

Today’s game - Hold the telephone exchange, England 1940


Today’s game was using the above rules and campaign guide extra rules
The table set up ready for the arrival of the Homeguard and German commanders
Note Telephone exchange building beside the telephone box.

Some pictures of the game-

Homeguard sections, bicycle mounted section and mmg hold the Exchange.
They were aided by a Smith gun and further section.
German paratroopers and mountain troops approaching the vicinity of the Exchange.
Homeguard take heavy casualties. Red dice shows the numbers of pins inflicted on the unit.
Order dice deployed, less visually annoying than the big playing cards were.
The Homeguard commander looks on as the Germans move and fire.
Close up of German troops.
The table at the end of the game. Having taken heavy losses the Homeguard commander admitted defeat.
Fun game to umpire and generally chivvy people along.


  1. Awesome scenario, set up and game! Thanks for sharing. Are you trying this with Mark's rules too?

    1. Thanks. I tried a somewhat smaller version on a chess board with Mark’s rules. I might try a bigger version with his rules too.
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Excellent and inviting terrain and figures.

  3. Thanks. I look forward to seeing what you do with your Sealion stuff. What scale and rules? Btw as l can’t currently leave comments on your blog let me say I am watching your current 18th century Seige project with great interest. It is all coming along very nicely indeed.
    Alan Tradgardland

  4. Thanks. The terrain is simple but effective. The fences were made by the Mad Padre and given to me as a gift some years ago.. They serve very well in all sorts of games. It is nice to try out the stream I bought relatively recently. Next step is to buy or make some more hedging…
    Alan Tradgardland

  5. Interesting scenario - The Home Guard fighting “for every inch” -

  6. The Sealion stuff is 20mm. I have a heap of Eric Knowles figures I bought through David Crook to sort out - mostly German Paras for Sealion (there is also a load of French (but no tanks) and Belgians with lots and lots of tanks - most of which they never had!

    The Dendermonde project is going well - I am probably going to switch back to painting some figures for a while - the terrain building has been taking up all my time.

  7. Here’s a suggestion for another scenario. Have a game based on an exercise between the HG and the army. I thought of this as I found a booklet in a second hand bookshop on the history of the HG in my town. It contains a brief description of a battle in my road and involved soldiers leaping out of my house’s garden.

  8. Well this looks very exciting! Looks like it was about four infantry squads on each side plus a couple of supporting elements?

  9. Nice looking table and game...a friend and I had great plans to "do" Seelowe ( pronounced by us at the time Sea Lower!) circa 1974 courtesy of Aifix Magazine articles..... we were about 11 or 12 years old!
