Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Woking 54mm Games Day

 An excellent day was had gaming with 54 mm figures on Saturday. I had got the train down the day before and due to signalling problems arrived 66 minutes late into London. A foray through the Underground led me to Waterloo where l caught my next train. After checking in there was an opportunity to catch up with one of the participants over coffee which was great.

Saturday dawned and after a hearty breakfast I was picked up and whisked to the venue, the organiser’s house as Christ Church was available this year. We played three games. Battle Masters using 54mm LOTR  figures, Songs of Blades and Heroes using Irregular Miniatures early medieval figures and Battle of The Little Big Horn on a mat which was the game board blown up to 54 mm , using Deetail figures. Now for some photos-

I had forgotten what a fun game this Waddington classic was. Lots of tactical choices and luck too!

Battle Masters was completely new to me. For some reason it had slipped completely under my radar. It is an excellent system, easy to pick up and crying out for variants and different applications in gaming terms.

A magnificent cat!

Songs of Blades and Heroes was played on a table groaning under the weight of magnificent hand made, from wood , buildings and charming toy soldier Normans. We had either to get animals and treasure off the table or prevent this happening, depending on what side you were on.
Roof made of towelling, fence from plaited wire and note hand to show the scale of the thing.

Exciting skirmish action all the way.

Lunch was taken in the garden prepared by our hosts who really made us welcome.

All in all a terrific and inspiring day of gaming, catching up and exchanging ideas. The evening rounded off with a superb meal here-


Thanks to everyone for a great day, for bringing their figures and especially to Sarah and Mike for hospitality, food and for making it all possible! A memorable day indeed.


  1. Excellent, Alan, thank you for sharing these inspiring photographs of the day (an excellent extended birthday present) especially as I couldn't make it along this year.

  2. Great pictures Alan - I'm very impressed with the giant Little Big Horn battle mat

  3. That was fun to see especially the reminder of the Battle of Little Big Horn game which I had as a youngster and like so much [esp. 54mm plastic] long gone.

  4. It was great to see you again Alan - as you said, an enjoyable day.

  5. Great photos Alan! Yes, it was an excellent day with a good time had by all.

  6. Seems like a splendid day out!
    Your get social get together with lunch and meals gives me associations to our 'days out' when we're running garden railways, which is in the 'social end' of the hobby!
    Great photos and an impressive collection in that cabinet.
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. Alan,

    It looks like you had a great time taking part … and the range and variety of games available is magnificent. There’s nothing quite like wargaming with larger figures!

    All the best,


  8. Looks like a fantastic day out for you, Alan!

  9. That looks brilliant Alan! Those pictures of Little Big Horn take me back. Sigh!

  10. Looks like a very good way to spend a day!

  11. I can't imagine a better way to spend the day!

  12. Now, THOSE, are REAL Toy Soldiers!
    Not really my thing but looks like it was well organized and run, and that all participants had a great time!
