Friday, 25 October 2013

Humanity, a Resource?

Just been signed off by my supportive G.P for another 10 days. Today went through an Absent Management meeting and later in the day was called by someone who used my name as many times as possible in a brief call (zeitgeist I fear) arranging a telephone interview next week with Occupational Health. I am left feeling like a resource.People have been helpful,even kind ,but I still feel hassled by the System etc .Is it just me?

On a brighter note I am delighted by my Apple crop (some pictured above) which I have never known so abundant nor tasty. The weather has had a lot to do with it I feel.
Trying this afternoon to chill by catching up with "Homeland" and this book-


  1. Ooh, I've always wanted to read that book. Yes, it's so difficult to get out of the system and continual monitoring. A sad state of affairs.

  2. Looks like an interesting book - hope its a good read

    I've had the experience of being off for a long period and having to deal with the 'checkers' - at the time it felt like I was being hassled - but in hindsight I understand that they are doing their job to check on your status and trying to find out when you can get back to work etc..

    -- Allan

  3. A nice crop of apples there. We had good results from our root vegetables this year, not so much from other crops. Hey ho. Sorry to hear you're being harassed by bureaucrats. I hope you both feel better soon.
