Sunday, 19 January 2014

A (what is the proper collective noun) of perukes...

I've gone a tad peruke crazy this weekend by converting some figures to varying degrees of success-
From left to right- a show freebie of an ecw commander in armour, a converted figure whose provenience I have forgotten, a Foundry ecw officer and a Front Rank late 17th Cent officer.
The far left figure and the one third from the left have completely milliput created perukes whilst the other two have had their's heightened. On the whole I am quite pleased with this first attempt and will work on this in the future. Next project will be a couple female figures-


  1. A fine display of headpieces sir.

  2. As for a collective noun, could be a flock of perukes, or a dusting....?

  3. A flourish of perukes? A caniche? (as in poodle?)

  4. A stand? I believe most were kept on such items at the time.
