Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Why etc?

I've been looking at late 17th century rules of late and came across these-
What is the point of the cover illustration?What message does it give the non- wargaming public?Why do we need a scantily clad female? What do you think?
As for me I think I'll stick to my old Partizan press well loved and battered ECW ones...


  1. The cover art is well enough executed, but I agree that the demi-nude damsel in obvious distress need not have been depicted in such gratuitously graphic fashion. Apart from anything else, it carries the message (whether the authors wish it to or not) that we are entering 'Boys Own' country here. Yet role playing games (which, if this game is character driven suggests its a RPG to me) do have a large female following. I can see this set extending into maritime adventure on the Spanish Main; the Indies East and West; the West Coast of Africa, and the East; - there are plenty of historical and semi-historical characters to choose from: Jacquotte de la Haye; Christina Anne Skytte (Baltic); Anne Dieu-le-Veut;
    Mary Read; Maria Lindsey; Ingela Gatherheim (Baltic), Anne Bonny, ...

    It is my belief that a cover like that, attractively drawn though the lass is, would tend to put off a sizeable potential market. Nothing wrong with a Tavern tumult or barroom brawl by way of illustration, with perhaps a bonny serving wench getting caught up in the stoush. But sometimes, less really is more... A hint of deshibille is plenty...

  2. Agreed. Not much to add (she looks like she was "borrowed" from a Frazetta Conan or Barsoom cover).

  3. Morning chaps. I take all your points and agree that the continuation of gratuitously sexist images (man rescues half naked female) doesn't help our image as wargamers (labelled again as sad old pervs), but I can't see it putting people off gaming. Those who are really bothered by it are unlikely to want to play with little soldiers anyway, and all the females I have come across who wargame, roleplay or LARP are positively keen on chainmail bikinis et al. or at least the image projected by characters such as Red Sonja. I remember this debate raging in White Dwarf back in the early 1980's so not much has changed.

  4. An extreme case of 'Bodice Ripping' !

  5. Maybe it's meant to convey the idea that these rules will keep the reader abreast of current wargaming thought...

  6. Unfortunately, going by the comments on The League of Augsburg's blog, it appears that some wargamers appear still to be living in the last century. :(

  7. All I know is there's another ruleset I can't read on the bus.
