Tuesday 28 May 2024

Chelsea Thursday, with apologies to Marillion

 The weather improved dramatically for our visit to Chelsea. We had a lovely day , it lived up to our expectations and more. There was so much to see and so much to inspire. Some photos-

We even saw Monty Don, a hero in this household. The catering choice was excellent and we chose after much deliberation this Lebanese van-

We spent most of the day at the show and still felt we had not seen everything. Some highlights were chatting to a man from a nursery in Cornwall whose nursery Anna passed in the bus every day going to work. Another highlight was talking to folk from the Glasshouse and hearing about their work-
One thing is sure we definitely want to go back! A memorable day indeed!


  1. Lovely stuff Alan. Never been to Chelsea FS. Went to Hampton Ct show once, but Chelsea looks so busy on the telly.

  2. It was busy , in certain places but certainly tenable. Going quite early, looking round the popular gardens then worked well. I hope to go again…
    Alan Tradgardland
