Friday 31 May 2024

Night fever, night fever, watch out for goblins!

 After all the fussing over bases l set them aside and painted something. I found these Goblins from Black Tree they gave me years ago as a freebie because my order was somewhat delayed.  I’ve always like the pantomime villain nature of Night Goblins and had many , many moons ago. So here’s my little gang. The terror of the town streets after dark …

Two are armed with nasty spiky halberds ready to lop off heads and limbs.
Three are armed with bows and arrows to bring terror from the shadows, if they actually don’t miss!
The netter with net and club accompanied by his enthusiastic but small apprentices. Watch out you don’t get entangled !
The Crimson Night Goblins fight best against pets, children or anyone outnumbered by at least five to one. 
I really enjoyed doing these fun miniatures and hope to get them on the table. I have some other Black Tree freebies, might paint them up too…


  1. Very nice indeed, always have a liking for night goblins, sneaky, sleekit wee characters!

  2. Black Tree gave you freebies because your order was somewhat delayed... how many months delayed? they're the slowest company I've ever dealt with!

  3. I now have that song stuck in my head!!!
