Thursday 25 July 2024


 I recall a very brief  ( student days) but complicated relationship with the girlfriend of a friend . I also recall her Christmas present to me , an LP. I remember unwrapping it , it was by Nick Drake, someone I didn’t know at all. I played it , was transported and delighted by it. The album was “ Bryter Layter” and it led me to an appreciation and enjoyment of Nick Drake’s music , one that has continued to this day.

Last night after a long and stressful day l tried to relax with the bbc sounds app , found this completely by chance and listened to -

A prom  ( to mark the 50th anniversary of his death) devoted to Nick Drake and his music ! I’m not really a prom listener but this was beautiful to listen to. Orchestral arrangements of his songs, the Unthanks and chat at halftime with his sister, it was super. Do listen.

1 comment:

  1. 'Pink Moon' is quite simply one of the most beautiful albums ever produced.
