Tuesday 9 July 2024


 After an enjoyable visit to Edinburgh this  morning ( not to mention a walk from Bristo Square to the Botanics then to Leith walk via Warriston an McDonald Road) l returned to base the figures from the previous post. I took this book with me this morning for inspiration, background reading and to muse upon as l walked.

Later on consulting these-

I enjoyed the original “ Purple Primer” very much and this later one is well worth a read. I decided upon dbm/ DBA basing as it gave me flexibility in what rules to use and also options for Portable Ancient Wargame or Neil Thomas. As I based l had the radio on for inspiration-
So the first part of the rebasing is finished, the figures glued down-
So here we are,  an evocative Palmyranesque  ( is there such a word, there is now) force ready to protect the spice and silk trade from all comers! 
A good start l think. Finally if anyone has ancient Ancients looking for a good home l could do with more of the figures you see in the pictures especially the Palmyran light cavalry and the cataphracts. I am more than happy to pay for them and postage too.

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