Wednesday 8 November 2023

BIG again

 Real life has put modelling on the back burner for the last few days and it will continue to do so for a bit longer. Also Friday sees a game which needs planning. In the meantime l glued together the last of the 60mm Expeditionary Force figures-

They are War of 1812 British infantry. They went together with great ease and produced some splendid figures. I will be giving them a simple paint job , hopefully at the weekend.

In other big news, this time 54mm , I was able to purchase some beautifully painted Irregular Miniatures fantasy figures at a very reasonable price indeed. Pictures to come later. They came with some unpainted ones too-

Here they are as they arrived , based and undercoated , alongside a 25mm figure for scale. I am looking forward to trying to do them justice.

I am currently swithering about trying to “do” Narnia in 54mm. I’m not sure quite how or what but that’s the plan.. Whilst loving the BBC adaptation and the later films what is in my mind are the drawings from the books l read , firstly many moons ago-

Pauline Baynes does it for me as defining the Narnian look. 

So whereas , for example , I can get 54mm centaurs like this -

I can’t seem to get “old school “ fantasy figures sans gigantic swords and overkill armour. I don’t want cricket bat swords but something a tad realistic, if one can say such a thing.I’m sure you’ll think that I am being pedantic but all I want is to create a visual aesthetic l have known since childhood. All suggestions welcome.


  1. I rather like those chunky centaur types. If the swords are a bit much, maybe the blades can be trimmed off, and replaced with something metal - cut from a metal sheet, say - or stiffish plastic. You would have to find a method of securing the blade solidly, though.

    1. Hmmm, not sure.
      Failed to get them on eBay recently.
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. As I mentioned on the forum, I would get something like unarmoured greeks and use the top half of them to combine with a horse and create your own.

    1. Seems quite a thought…
      Alan tradga

  3. My Narnian army for HOTT was created before the films and was inspired by the Pauline Baynes illustrations (as well as the small size of Narnian armies in the books). I used Irregular Miniatures centaurs, which are unarmoured but unpretentious.

  4. What scale was this?
    Alan Tradgardland
